Mythic Creature Descriptions

The mythic creatures presented in this section follow the stat block format established in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary and its sequels, and all notations and descriptions you’ll find in those volumes apply here as well. However, there are some notations unique to these creatures. Some rules elements are described in either the Universal Monster Rules section in Appendix 1 of this volume or in Chapter 6 of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures. In addition, the stat blocks call out the places where a given creature has a bonus feat, a mythic feat, or a mythic ability, including “major” mythic abilities that count for two of its allotment.

Since mythic monsters have a limited number of mythic feats and abilities, and since the mythic rules lend themselves very well to exchanging feats or abilities for others, or borrowing mythic abilities from a monster you see in this volume and adding it to a monster that does not appear here, we use the following notations to help you know which feats and abilities are mythic.

B Bonus feat
MF Mythic feat1
MS Mythic spell (A creature must expend mythic power to cast a spell as a mythic spell.)
MA Mythic ability
MMA Major mythic ability (This ability counts as two mythic abilities.)

1: Remember that if a mythic feat has a non-mythic version, the non-mythic version is almost always a prerequisite. Thus, a creature with Mythic Improved Initiative also has the non-mythic Improved Initiative, even if the non-mythic version isn't specifically included in its 'Feats' line. Simply adding the notation of the mythic version on the end saves space and helps avoid repetition.

Otherwise, these creatures follow the standard bestiary format of monster name and CR; XP award for its defeat; race, class, and level where appropriate for creatures with class levels; alignment, size, and type; initiative and senses; aura; AC; hp; saving throws; defensive abilities, DR, immunities, resistances, and SR; weaknesses; speed, melee attacks; ranged attacks; space and reach (if something different than 5 ft./5 ft.); special attacks; spell-like abilities; spells known/prepared; ability scores; base attack bonus, CMB, and CMD; feats; skills; languages (including special forms of communication); special qualities; the environment in which it is found; organization of creatures of its type; treasure; and descriptions of its special abilities. In most cases, the ecological information about a monster, namely its environment, organization, and treasure, are identical to those of non-mythic versions of the creature.

While in some campaigns mythic monsters may be rarities or unique creatures, in other campaigns they may simply be an elite caste or superior variety of monster and no less common than their non-mythic kin. This site makes no assumptions about the specifics of how you will implement mythic monsters in your campaign, but you should always feel free to tailor encounters with mythic monsters in whatever way best suits your game.

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