Old Alter Ego

All vigilantes maintain at least two identities throughout their careers, but there exists a rare few cases where one of the identities is not merely a disguise, it’s an entirely different entity. Whether through a fluke of chance or a deliberate pact, these vigilantes have entered into a bond with an extra-planar creature who (usually) shares their alignment and views and aids them in their pursuits, lending them the use of their powers.

Tag Team: At 1st level, the alter-ego does not gain a vigilante identity. Instead, the alter-ego trades places with an extra-planar ally until it is time to resume social activity.

Any time the alter-ego would normally assume her vigilante identity, she instead summons a companion as the Conjuration sphere summon ability, treating her class level as her caster level to determine the companion’s abilities and any Conjuration sphere save DCs. This effective caster level stacks with caster levels gained from other sources. The companion cannot possess any companion archetype that would reduce its Intelligence below 3 or remove its ability to act independently, nor may its combined archetypes have an increased spell point cost to summon. This change requires a full-round action and the companion remains until it is dismissed as a full-round action, slain, or dispelled. The normal limits on resummoning a companion that has been banished, slain, or otherwise dismissed apply.

The alter-ego and her companion gain a basic awareness of the presence and identity of known allies and enemies at the time of the switch. If the alter-ego possesses the Link talent or the Greater Link feat, they function to connect the alter-ego to her companion despite not being on the same plane.

This companion begins play with a single bonus (form) talent as usual. The alter-ego cannot be targeted by any abilities while her companion is summoned and vice versa; whichever one is not currently active is safely stored on a distant plane. Any ongoing effects on either the alter-ego or her companion continue to affect them for their normal durations after the switch. The Conjuration sphere companion is otherwise treated as the alter-ego’s vigilante identity for the purposes of dual identity and all other class features.

When the alter-ego gains a vigilante talent, it instead applies only to her companion. The alter-ego may select (form) talents in place of vigilante talents for her companion.

The companion may not use any social talents, nor may the alter ego use any vigilante talents. The alter- ego may take the Extra Magic Talent feat to apply (form) and (type) talents from the Conjuration sphere to her companion or to gain the Call the Departed or Link talents. If the alter-ego does not possess any spell points, she may choose to take a point of Constitution damage in place of spending a spell point to utilize the Call the Departed talent as part of summoning her companion.

This replaces seamless guise and specialization and modifies dual identity and vigilante talents. Archetypes that alter vigilante talents may be combined with the alter-ego; the alter-ego cannot gain a form talent in place of a vigilante talent that has been replaced or modified by another archetype.

They go where?
The nature of the location the alter-ego goes when her companion is summoned is left deliberately vague. Some may be held in stasis in a mystic life-support pod orbiting the world, some may pass the time in an idyllic garden in a fast time plane, and others may be thrust into epic battles between cosmic forces. Ultimately, for the purposes of normal gameplay, the alter-ego ceases to exist while her companion is present, just as there are no concrete rules governing the activities of companions when they are not summoned.

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